

Posterize your emotions, remember Warhol, feel like Marilyn.

Bring out your inner Pop artist!

Custom colors

Create your own color palettes and try out different combinations. By moving the sliders you can adjust the amount of color of the layer. Add then a texture to give extra pop effect to your popster!

Collage mode

Build you own Warhol poster with the collage mode. Choose between: 2x1 3x1 2x2 2x3 3x3

Texture settings

Even more pop effects adding texture to your photos What do you prefer, dots or stripes? Use the sliders to adjust the size and distance between the dots or the stripes.

Text option

Customize your photo with a personal text. What message are you trying to give?

Save settings

Different size options: Preview: just the image you are seeing in your screen Mail: small resolution Web: medium resolution High: high resolution

Have fun!

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Photography
  • Effects
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